YDS Yakın Anlam Testleri 10
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Yanıtlarınız aşağıdaki gibidir.
Soru 1 |
At first she was rather reluctant to give up her job but now finds it very rewarding to be bringing up her children.
Initially she wasn’t at all keen, to stop
working, but she now finds that looking
after her children affords her much
satisfaction. | |
Then she was unwilling to give up her job
but now her sense of responsibility to her
children tells her she must | |
Now when she spends her days at home
with her children she feels more fulfilled
than she ever did when she was out
working. | |
She was enjoyed bringing up her children
but nevertheless looks forward to resuming
work. | |
When the children have grown up she may
regret that she gave up her career for
them. |
Soru 2 |
Let’s wait another six months before deciding whether or not to take these products off the market.
Why can’t we wait six months before we
withdraw these products from the
market? | |
Can we come to some agreement about
which goods to take off the market
during the next six months? | |
Can’t we defer our decision about
withdrawing these goods from the
market for a further six months? | |
Didn’t we agree six months ago that
these goods ought to be taken off the
market? | |
Would you agree to withdrawing these
goods from the market after another six
months? |
Soru 3 |
I can’t help feeling that he’s not experienced enough to be given a position of such responsibility.
In my experience, men of his type rarely
function well in positions of authority. | |
A job of that description requires
someone with a great deal of
experience. | |
It’s a very demanding position and I’m
not at all sure that he has the experience
needed for it. | |
With a little more experience I’m sure he
will develop into a highly efficient
manager. | |
It’s inevitable that one should ask oneself
whether he really is the right man for the
job. |
Soru 4 |
You’ll have to tell him in the end; and the longer you put off doing so the harder it’s going to be.
Surely it’s better to let him know now
than to wait until he finds out for himself. | |
You never can keep things secret for
long, so the best is to tell him about it
soon. | |
You can’t keep him in the dark about it
for ever, and telling him will get harder
the longer you wait. | |
He’ll find out some time, and by putting it
off you won’t make it easier for yourself. | |
He’ll have to be notified about it, and the
sooner the better. |
Soru 5 |
If I’d known that he wanted to discuss with me I would never have given him an appointment.
I never did understand why he wanted us
to meet and discuss the matter | |
He talked about us meeting but never
explained why | |
I realised there was something to be
discussed but didn’t know exactly what. | |
I agreed to meet in order to discuss the
matter thoroughly. | |
Had I realised what he wanted to talk to
me about I would not have agreed to a
meeting. |
Soru 6 |
However much effort he puts into it, I’m sure he’ll never make a success of the business.
No matter how hard he tries, it’s clear that
he won’t ever turn that business into a
going concern. | |
Unless he’s willing to make more of an
effort, the business is never likely to be a
success. | |
It follows that the harder he works the more
likely the business is to be successful. | |
He’s a failure as a businessman even
though he is extremely hard-working. | |
The success of the business will obviously
depend upon the amount of hard work he
puts into it. |
Soru 7 |
International conventions have long been prohibiting the use of chemical weapons during war, but how effective is this likely to be?
If various international bodies agreed to
a long-term ban on chemical warfare,
couldn’t the ban be put into effect? | |
Can such international bodies be relied
upon to ban effectively and in the longterm
the use of chemical weapons in
time of war? | |
Over a period of very many years
various international agreements have
been drawn up to prohibit the use of
chemical weapons in wartime, but they
have hardly been effective, have they? | |
How effective might the prohibition of
chemical warfare be if it had the backing
of so many international bodies? | |
For many years now, chemical warfare
has been banned by international
agreement, but can the ban be
enforced? |
Soru 8 |
His career took off to a brilliant start, but since then his record hardly seems deserving of mild praise, let alone glory.
His career record has not lived up to his
early promise, so he really does not merit
either our approval or our praise. | |
Had his career record been in line with the
brillant start he made, he would most
certainly have earned high honours and
great renown. | |
He was amazingly successful at the start of
his career but afterwards he has done
nothing to merit even a moderate amount
of approval and certainly not renown. | |
His career began with a stunning success,
but then he did nothing to earn either the
praise or the approval he now receives. | |
In spite of his early promise, his career
record shows nothing deserving of the
special praise or glory he seems to expect. |
Soru 9 |
They found only two survivors, but it was a week before they gave up their search for the others.
They were only able to save two people
though rescue work continued for a full
week. | |
Rescue-workers found two more victims
after the search for them had lasted a
week. | |
Once those two were rescued at the end
of the week, they abandoned the search
for the others. | |
By the end of the first week there was
little hope of finding the missing two. | |
At the end of the week the two survivors
joined in the search for the others. |
Soru 10 |
I suppose most criminals do get caught in the end because they believe their luck will hold just one more time.
It seems that the majority of criminals
start to take greater risks and so get
arrested. | |
Once the average criminal has fallen
under suspicion he can no longer trust
his luck. | |
In most cases, so long as a criminal
avoids taking risks he is not likely to be
suspected. | |
Apparently, by trusting their luck just
once too often, most criminals do
eventually get arrested. | |
In my opinion, however hard he may try,
no criminal can ever escape arrest. |
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