YDS Yakın Anlam Testleri 9

YDS Yakın Anlam Testleri 9

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Soru 1

Thanks partly to a dramatic decline in infant mortality; life expectancy in the region has increased from 45 years to 72.

There has been a slight drop in infant mortality in the area, resulting in an increase in life expectancy from 45 to 72.
However, the infant mortality rate has dropped surprisingly, and life expectancy in the region has risen from 46 to 72.
The increase in life expectancy from 45 to 72 years can be fully accounted for by the incredible decline in infant mortality there.
A remarkable drop in infant mortality rates has helped to raise life expectancy in the area from 45 years to 72.
The startling drop in the infant mortality rates may be reflected in the increase in life expectancy from 45 to 72 years.
Soru 2

He's rather hopeful that he'll get the appointment since the other candidates are at a disadvantage, which is his fluency in French as none of the candidates for the appointment know any.

As French is the main requirement, none of the other candidates will even qualify.
The appointment will be given to whichever of the candidates is most fluent in French.
His main advantage is his fluency in French as none of the other candidates for the appointment know any.
As none of the other candidates speak much French, it seems obvious that he'll be appointed.
He's fairly confident that he'll be appointed as he's the only candidate who knows French.
Soru 3

The scene is set in Normandy, but most of the characters in this novel are Londoners.

In this novel, the story takes place in Normandy but the majority of the characters are from London
In the novel, the action moves backwards and forwards between Normandy and London.
The main characters in the novel are Londoners on a sightseeing holiday in Normandy
The story is about Normandy, but the leading characters are all Londoners.
Though Normandy provides the setting for the story, the characters are all too clearly Londoners.
Soru 4

James will probably make a good director too, even though he's not all like his father.

James is quite unlike his father, so he's not likely to be a good director.
Unlike his father, James seems set on developing into a most efficient director.
As James is opposed to his father's system, one wonders if he will find a better one.
James is quite different from his father, but nonetheless he'll also succeed as a director.
James dislikes his father's way of director, but will his may be any better?
Soru 5

He should face the fact that he'll never be as great a pianist as his father .

The father is a wonderful pianist, but the son shows even more promise.
As a pianist, he's just not the equal of his father and never will be, so he'd do well to accept the fact.
The father is a great pianist, and the son is hoping to be at least his equal.
The son seems set to surpass his father as a pianist; he even admits the fact.
I don't think he'll ever admit that his father is the greater pianist I but he ought to.
Soru 6

Reports about the ozone layer are as maddeningly variable as the protective shield itself.

Reports on the ozone layer concentrate on the irritating variability of the protective shield.
There is no consistency in the reports concerning the ozone layer and the protective shield itself, which is very embarrassing.
The variability of the ozone layer is reflected in the lack of consistency in reports concerning its protective functions.
The frustrating lack of consistency in reports concerning the ozone layer matches the state of the protective shield itself.
Reports on the ozone layer and its efficiency as a protective shield are incredibly inconsistent.
Soru 7

The aim of advertising is not to inform but to sell products and keep businesses in business.

The purpose of advertising is not to amuse but to increase sales and encourage commercial activities.
Advertising is about selling goods and keeping firms running; not supplying information.
A business advertises in order to get markets and sell its goods and make itself known.
A business advertises with a view to making a name for itself in the commercial world and selling its products.
Advertisements should give preference to marketing techniques and help firms sell; information is secondary.
Soru 8

I would willingly have lent you the money myself if only I'd known you needed it.

I was under no obligation to offer you a loan, but nevertheless did so gladly.
I am quite willing to give you a loan myself if you can convince me that it is necessary.
As I realized just how necessary the loan was to you, I naturally lent you what you needed.
I would lend you the money willingly if I were convinced that you really require it.
Had I realized that you were in need of such a loan, I would gladly have lent it to you myself.
Soru 9

All agree that the environment has to be protected, but should it really take priority over education and public health?

Are we all agreed that the needs of environmental protection should take priority over the claims of education and public health?
However pressing may be the needs of environmental protection, is it not generally agreed that those of education and public health should take priority?
It is not agreed that the claims of education and public health cannot be ranked below those of environmental protection?
Though the need for environmental protection is not contested, do we really regard the claims of education, and public health as of less importance?
The claims of education and public health will come high on our list of priorities, but can't we agree to put those of environmental protection even higher?
Soru 10

I haven't been won over by his arguments, but his book makes interesting reading.

You will appreciate his fresh and comprehensive approach to his subject but there is no basis in fact.
You might be interested in reading his book even though many of his arguments are far from satisfactory.
I can't say I'm convinced that he's right, but even so his book is well worth reading.
He has some impossible ideas but knows how to write an entertaining book.
It's a fascinating book, but one can't take his theories seriously.
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