YÖKDİL Fen Bilimleri Testleri 10
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Soru 1 |
(I) In 1993, the American psychologist John Carroll brought out his book Human Cognitive Abilities: A Survey of Factor Analytic Studies. (II) His long career in academic psychology saw him through most of the debates about the number and nature of human mental abilities. (III) He saw that there was disagreement and that there were some barriers to coming to a consensus. (IV) This involved psychoanalyzing 400 patients by interviewing them individually. (V) The first problem was that there were hundreds of studies that had tested people on mental ability tests.
II | |
III | |
IV | |
V | |
I |
Soru 2 |
(I) Environmental protection includes all measures intended to protect the natural environment from damaging influences and to improve the quality of polluted ecosystems. (II) Currently, there is more carbon dioxide being emitted than plants can take in and convert into oxygen. (III) Such measures range from individual environmentally conscious behaviour to international agreements to keep the air, water and soil clean. (IV) One of the most important purposes of environmental protection is the prevention of negative impacts on public health. (V) Furthermore, the basic essentials required by individuals as well as society as a whole need to be considered as much as the interests of future generations.
I | |
V | |
III | |
II | |
IV |
Soru 3 |
Some scientists think that the Earth began hot. According to this theory, the Earth formed from many smaller bodies drawn together by their mutual gravity. As each body hit the young Earth, the impact generated heat. ---- That is, the Earth has become much like a baked potato taken from the oven, cooling on the outside, but remaining hot inside because heat leaks very slowly from its interior.
This led to the development of many of the Earth’s
species. | |
Scientists were unsure which of the heating
mechanisms were more important and whether they
needed to interfere with the process. | |
The shifting of large blocks of the Earth’s surface
used to be called continental drift. | |
When the bombardment stopped, the Earth’s
surface cooled, but its interior has remained hot. | |
The amount of heat lost depends on the surface
area, but the amount of heat contained depends on
the volume. |
Soru 4 |
(I) Einstein, who is 21 in 1900, has been puzzling about visible light for five years, which does not always follow known rules. (II) He has not yet been able to figure out what will happen if he travels on a beam of light. (III) But he already knows that there are particles smaller than atoms. (IV) Now, the idea that a blackbody changes energy by discrete amounts during the emission process gives Einstein something else to consider. (V) Then, Einstein has to describe the invention and give the reason for why he invented such a device
II | |
III | |
V | |
I | |
IV |
Soru 5 |
The invention of the telephone is usually credited to Alexander Graham Bell, who obtained the first patent for the device in 1876 and went on to commercial success. ---- Meucci had developed an electric treatment for rheumatism, and while electrocuting one of his patients, he heard a scream seemingly passing down the copper wire. Therefore, it remains disputed as to whether Bell or Meucci was the first inventor of the telephone.
Apart from Bell, Meucci was a brilliant inventor who
dealt with electronic communications and he also
patented plastic paste in 1883. | |
However, it is argued that the Italian Antonio Meucci
accidentally discovered an early version of the
telephone-like device some years before.
| |
Similarly, Bell’s immortalization in books and films
has been plagued with generations of Italians who
know the story of Antonio Meucci. | |
Actually, nothing in Bell’s writing, character or his life
after 1876 suggests that he stole Meucci’s ideas. | |
Even though he patented many inventions, Antonio
Meucci never learned English well enough to
navigate the complex American business. |
Soru 6 |
(I) An international team of researchers has sequenced a tree genome. (II) It may also be possible to engineer trees that can capture greater-than-normal amounts of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. (III) The four-year effort was the first of its kind. (IV) The black cottonwood, a variety of poplar, was chosen for this task because it has relatively little DNA. (V) It is hoped that sequencing trees can help the forestry industry to improve its products, including alternative fuels such as bioethanol.
I | |
V | |
II | |
IV | |
Soru 7 |
(I) Work and energy are viewed as the cornerstones of science. (II) To a scientist, work is defined as the force applied to an object multiplied by the distance it moves in response. (III) All of the energy in a physical system would be available to do useful work. (IV) On the other hand, a system’s energy can be described as its ability to do work. (V) For example, a truck’s engine is able to liberate the chemical energy stored in fuel and then use it to do work on the truck and make it move.
II | |
I | |
V | |
IV | |
Soru 8 |
The basic unit of all living organisms is the cell. Most animals and plants contain trillions of them and are called multicellular. However, life forms, such as bacteria, which are composed of just one, are called unicellular. Cells are made up of protein material and are the fundamental machines of biology, within which all the processes responsible for sustaining life take place: energy production, tissue growth, homeostasis and hormone production. ----
Furthermore, each kind of cell has a particular
function determined by the enzymes within it. | |
However, the cell theory of biology was first put
forward in 1839 by German biologists Matthias
Jakob Schleiden and Theodor Schwann. | |
On the other hand, male sperm cells and female
egg cells contain only one copy of each
chromosome | |
Thus, a class of microorganisms called protozoa
have two nuclei. | |
In fact, microbiology is the study of organisms that
are too small to be seen with the naked eye. |
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