YDS İngilizce Çıkmış Paragraf Soruları Çöz 15
In this century, the wealth and success of nations will
depend like never before on the ability to produce
and use knowledge. Universities have long been
instrumental in generating knowledge and ideas. But
in an increasingly globalized world, and in the face of
rapid scientific change, they will need to think about a
set of new challenges and how best to prepare their
students for the coming decades. Universities will
need to teach a new kind of literacy, in which global
awareness will play an important role. They also
need to deal with the dilemmas posed by the
accelerating pace of change brought on by scientific
and technological advances. We are on the brink of
once-in-human-history progress in combating
disease through the application of modern science.
Doctors will have at their disposal blood tests that will
tell you with substantial predictive power how long
you will live and from what diseases you are likely to
suffer. The Internet and the application of information
technology may well represent the most profound
change in the way knowledge is disseminated since
the printing press. We are close to understanding the
first second of the history of the cosmos.
It is clear from the passage that science and the
application of science ----
In this century, the wealth and success of nations will
depend like never before on the ability to produce
and use knowledge. Universities have long been
instrumental in generating knowledge and ideas. But
in an increasingly globalized world, and in the face of
rapid scientific change, they will need to think about a
set of new challenges and how best to prepare their
students for the coming decades. Universities will
need to teach a new kind of literacy, in which global
awareness will play an important role. They also
need to deal with the dilemmas posed by the
accelerating pace of change brought on by scientific
and technological advances. We are on the brink of
once-in-human-history progress in combating
disease through the application of modern science.
Doctors will have at their disposal blood tests that will
tell you with substantial predictive power how long
you will live and from what diseases you are likely to
suffer. The Internet and the application of information
technology may well represent the most profound
change in the way knowledge is disseminated since
the printing press. We are close to understanding the
first second of the history of the cosmos.
The writer of the passage seems convinced that
the current rapid developments in science and
technology ----.
In this century, the wealth and success of nations will
depend like never before on the ability to produce
and use knowledge. Universities have long been
instrumental in generating knowledge and ideas. But
in an increasingly globalized world, and in the face of
rapid scientific change, they will need to think about a
set of new challenges and how best to prepare their
students for the coming decades. Universities will
need to teach a new kind of literacy, in which global
awareness will play an important role. They also
need to deal with the dilemmas posed by the
accelerating pace of change brought on by scientific
and technological advances. We are on the brink of
once-in-human-history progress in combating
disease through the application of modern science.
Doctors will have at their disposal blood tests that will
tell you with substantial predictive power how long
you will live and from what diseases you are likely to
suffer. The Internet and the application of information
technology may well represent the most profound
change in the way knowledge is disseminated since
the printing press. We are close to understanding the
first second of the history of the cosmos.
One point that is given considerable emphasis in
the passage is ----.
In this century, the wealth and success of nations will
depend like never before on the ability to produce
and use knowledge. Universities have long been
instrumental in generating knowledge and ideas. But
in an increasingly globalized world, and in the face of
rapid scientific change, they will need to think about a
set of new challenges and how best to prepare their
students for the coming decades. Universities will
need to teach a new kind of literacy, in which global
awareness will play an important role. They also
need to deal with the dilemmas posed by the
accelerating pace of change brought on by scientific
and technological advances. We are on the brink of
once-in-human-history progress in combating
disease through the application of modern science.
Doctors will have at their disposal blood tests that will
tell you with substantial predictive power how long
you will live and from what diseases you are likely to
suffer. The Internet and the application of information
technology may well represent the most profound
change in the way knowledge is disseminated since
the printing press. We are close to understanding the
first second of the history of the cosmos.
According to the passage, universities are under
an obligation to ensure that their students ----.
In this century, the wealth and success of nations will
depend like never before on the ability to produce
and use knowledge. Universities have long been
instrumental in generating knowledge and ideas. But
in an increasingly globalized world, and in the face of
rapid scientific change, they will need to think about a
set of new challenges and how best to prepare their
students for the coming decades. Universities will
need to teach a new kind of literacy, in which global
awareness will play an important role. They also
need to deal with the dilemmas posed by the
accelerating pace of change brought on by scientific
and technological advances. We are on the brink of
once-in-human-history progress in combating
disease through the application of modern science.
Doctors will have at their disposal blood tests that will
tell you with substantial predictive power how long
you will live and from what diseases you are likely to
suffer. The Internet and the application of information
technology may well represent the most profound
change in the way knowledge is disseminated since
the printing press. We are close to understanding the
first second of the history of the cosmos.
The phrase, “once-in-human-history progress” is
saying ----.
YDS paragraf soruları çözme teknikleri ve ipuçları !!!
YDS paragraf soruları kısa süreli calışma ile sonuçlanacak bir sürece ait sorular değildir. Geçmişten gelen bir birikim, düzenli ve düzeyli kitap okuma alışkanlığı ister.
Ama kısa vadede başarı için okuma tekniklerine bir göz atmak, paragrafın ana fikrini anlama, paragrafı yorumlama ve istenen soruya cevap verme açısından faydalı olabilir
Önceden edinilen bilgi ve kitap okuma alışkanlığının yanı sıra, bir de paragrafı ilk gördüğümüzde kafanızda oluşan durumları büyütmemek için; yani paragrafın uzunluğu,okunması zorlayıcı kelimelerin için; yerli, yabancı- çokluğu vs.-
O paragraf sorusunu hızlı ve anlayarak en fazla iki sefer okumak lazım. Farkında olmadan bu işlemi uzattığımız zaman, 5-10 hatta 15 dakikalık bir sürenin ziyan olduğunu görmekteyiz. Bu sebeple, iki kere okuduğunuz da tam anlamıyla anlaşılır gelmiyorsa size, başka bir soruya geçin.
Paragraf sorularında her zaman önceliği ne sorulduğuna verin. Yani önce soru sonra paragraf okuma.
Bazı paragraf soruları parçalıdır yani sayılarla (I, II, IV, gibi) cümleler birbirinden ayrılmıştır. Bu tarz sorularda şıklardan başlayın önce, yani hem zaman kazanma hem de doğru cevaba ulaşmak için.
Bunun yanı sıra, düzgün cümle haline getirme de ise izlenecek yöntem şu;
Verilen rakamları mutlaka kendinizin de cümle oluştururken yazmanız lazım. Zaten genelde I. cümle kendisini açıkça belli eder. Bundan sonra anlamın akışına göre ve uygun cümleleri de tek tek sıraya koyun. Oluşturduğunuz paragrafta anlam kayması varsa tekrar kontrol edin.
Anlatımı bozan cümleler için ise, parçanın ana temasının ne olduğunun anlaşılması lazım. Meselâ, bir ilaç şişesinin faydalarından söz etmiş ve devam etmiş ise, diğer bir tane cümle de bu ilacın hangi eczaneden alındığı belirtiliyorsa, bu anlatımı bozan ya da gereksiz yere kullanılan bir cümledir. Dikkat edin, bu cümlede de ilaçtan söz ediliyor ama diğer cümlelerin anlamını taşımıyor.
İlgili Diğer Testler
YDS İngilizce Çıkmış Paragraf Soruları Çöz 15
Tebrikler - YDS İngilizce Çıkmış Paragraf Soruları Çöz 15 adlı sınavı başarıyla tamamladınız.
Sizin aldığınız skor %%SCORE%% en yüksek skor %%TOTAL%%.
Hakkınızdaki düşüncemiz %%RATING%%
Yanıtlarınız aşağıdaki gibidir.
Soru 1
cannot go on advancing at this rate
will not help to further global awareness
has grown so complex that it is beyond the
understanding of all but a very few
is opening up startling new possibilities
is largely confined within the universities
Soru 2
cannot go on much longer
will be accompanied by new problems
are beyond the grasp of most people in most
will bring more harm than good
are largely concentrated in the field of medicine
Soru 3
that universities must stick to the values that
have made them successful in the past
that the universities are in a position to further
greater global integration
the incredible speed with which knowledge is
that the universities have a commitment to the
pursuit of truth for its own sake
the need of all students to get acquainted with
foreign cultures and global issues
Soru 4
are introduced to international perspectives in
every area of study
all have a good grounding in science and
are taught not specific facts as much as broad
ways of thinking
are equipped to deal with the changing
conditions of the coming decades
have the chance to work alongside foreign
Soru 5
there has never been such progress ever before
and there may not be again
we cannot expect or, indeed, hope for such
progress ever to happen again
this is the first instance of a widespread
application of science
this is only the first of many spurts of progress
this is the highest possible peak of progress
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5 tamamladınız.