Tebrikler - YKS Dil İngilizce Deneme Çöz 2 adlı sınavı başarıyla tamamladınız. Sizin aldığınız skor %%SCORE%% en yüksek skor %%TOTAL%%. Hakkınızdaki düşüncemiz %%RATING%%
YKS Dil İngilizce Deneme Çöz 2
Owing to the increase in the number of
female authors, ---- after 1960s, the feminist
movement has taken its place in Turkish
literature alongside others.
The first known Canadian literature in
English ---- in Nnova Scotia, where pro-
British settlers from the American colonies
---- refuge after the American revolution
The influence ---- Freud ---- the generation
that followed was even stronger
--- the few styles developed in nearby
Rome, most earliest Christian buildings
showed the continuing influence of Greek
and eastern architecture.
-----, as years of irreversible and poor
decisions had been contributing to its slow
The author’s first novel had such a worn
out story ----.
One of the most effective ways to resolve
conflict is to seek an outside mediator ----
Pyroclastic flows and lahars are dramatic events,
yet volcanoes can also be silent killers. When a
volcano sits beneath a lake, gases from the
magma can filter through cracks in the Earth and
become trapped under the water as carbon
dioxide. Violent movement, from an earthquake
or landslide for example, can cause the carbon
dioxide to rise rapidly to the surface of the lake -
a rare but deadly event called a 'limnic'
eruption.One of only two limnic eruptions ever
recorded happened in Cameroon in 1986. A
landslide disturbed a deep lake called Lake Nyos
which sat within the crater of an inactive
volcano. More than 80 million cubic metres of
carbon dioxide was released and surged into
nearby villages; suffocating more than 1,700
people and thousands of animals and livestock
One learns from the passage that limnic
eruptions ----
Pyroclastic flows and lahars are dramatic events,
yet volcanoes can also be silent killers. When a
volcano sits beneath a lake, gases from the
magma can filter through cracks in the Earth and
become trapped under the water as carbon
dioxide. Violent movement, from an earthquake
or landslide for example, can cause the carbon
dioxide to rise rapidly to the surface of the lake -
a rare but deadly event called a 'limnic'
eruption.One of only two limnic eruptions ever
recorded happened in Cameroon in 1986. A
landslide disturbed a deep lake called Lake Nyos
which sat within the crater of an inactive
volcano. More than 80 million cubic metres of
carbon dioxide was released and surged into
nearby villages; suffocating more than 1,700
people and thousands of animals and livestock
It is clearly pointed out in the passage that
Pyroclastic flows and lahars are dramatic events,
yet volcanoes can also be silent killers. When a
volcano sits beneath a lake, gases from the
magma can filter through cracks in the Earth and
become trapped under the water as carbon
dioxide. Violent movement, from an earthquake
or landslide for example, can cause the carbon
dioxide to rise rapidly to the surface of the lake -
a rare but deadly event called a 'limnic'
eruption.One of only two limnic eruptions ever
recorded happened in Cameroon in 1986. A
landslide disturbed a deep lake called Lake Nyos
which sat within the crater of an inactive
volcano. More than 80 million cubic metres of
carbon dioxide was released and surged into
nearby villages; suffocating more than 1,700
people and thousands of animals and livestock
It may be inferred from the passage that in
a limnic eruption ----
Dentist: Your teeth are not in good
Patient: …….
Dentist: Effective brushing is more
important than frequent brushing.
Patient: Then show me how to do it
Stendhal himself foresaw that his true
worth would not be appreciated until many
years after his death.
Although malaria has practically
disappeared as one of the great medical
problems in large cities, the disease is still to
be found in many rural communities.
You have called a meeting of the board
members at 10 a.m., but at the last moment
you have had to put it off; so you ask your
secretary to notify the members of the
The Great Pacific Garbage Patch (GPGP)
is a massive collection of plastic,
chemicals, and other pieces of trash
floating in the Pacific Ocean between
Japan and California. Scientists believe
that the GPGP formed gradually. ----
Although garbage dumped from cruise
ships does contribute to the patch, most of
the debris originates from on land. Pieces
of debris in the patch range from plastic
bottles to abandoned fishing nets to the
micro beads found in some cosmetics.
After putting out the devastating blaze,
investigators quickly came to the
conclusion that the conflagration was
probably started by an incendiary bomb
With the rising prices of fuel and other
essential resources, leading advisory and
design organisations are being charged
with the responsibility of designing
transport infrastructure
Abraham Lincoln genellikle, ondan
neden “güvenilir adam” olarak
bahsedildiğini açıklayan dürüstlüğü ile
Etkili bir kişisel hasar avukatı ararken,
bu hukuk dalında uzmanlaşmış belli
sayıda avukat olduğunu göreceksin
(I)Hibernation and migration are adaptations
for animals to survive winter months when food
is not available. (II) Hibernation is when animals
rest or remain asleep during the entire
winter. (III) Migration is the movement of
animals from one place to another. (IV) But it is
known that nothing can affect this process
adversely. (V) The main reason an animal
hibernates or migrates is due to the lack of food,
which occurs during the winter months due to the
cold weather.
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YKS – YDT Dil İngilizce Deneme Çöz 2
Tebrikler - YKS Dil İngilizce Deneme Çöz 2 adlı sınavı başarıyla tamamladınız. Sizin aldığınız skor %%SCORE%% en yüksek skor %%TOTAL%%. Hakkınızdaki düşüncemiz %%RATING%%
YKS Dil İngilizce Deneme Çöz 2
YKS’de hangi testler yer alacaktır? TYT’de Türkçe Testi, Sosyal Bilimler Testi, Temel Matematik Testi ve Fen Bilimleri Testi yer almaktadır. AYT’de Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı-Sosyal Bilimler-1 Testi, Sosyal Bilimler-2 Testi, Matematik Testi ve Fen Bilimleri Testi yer almaktadır. YDT’de ise, Almanca, Arapça, Fransızca, İngilizce ve Rusça testleri yer almaktadır.
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